Well, you must have wanted to speed up your computer for a better user experience. If so, and you haven't done the things given below to PC, then most likely it will slow down. Here's what you must do.
This will work on mostly all versions of Windows(not DOS). But let us first understand what is cache files.
CACHE Files are the files which are used by application and software during the run time, and sometimes also after run time. But even if the software has stopped running, it leaves behind these temporary files which can then be deleted without any problem.
In a nutshell these are useless after the program is done with them.
Here's how to delete them, in the easiest way:-
STEP 1:- Boot Your Windows Normally:- You do not need to boot your PC in safe mode, recovery mode or anything similar. Just start your PC as it does. If you don't know what this means, you don't need to as you're probably doing it right.
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STEP 2:- Hold Windows Key and Press 'R' Key:- Hold the Windows key, which is generally like 4 boxes or a flag on your keyboard next to Alt Key and while holding it down, press the "R" key or Button on your keyboard.
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STEP 3:- Type in %temp% in the textbox:- In the Box that appears, type in %temp% and click on OK or hit Enter. You shall be redirected to a folder. Just hold Control Key(Ctrl on keyboard) and while holding it down, press the "A" key or Button on the keyboard. Then Hold down the Shift key on keyboard(near Ctrl) and press the delete button on your keyboard. SKIP any files that are not deleting or give proper permission to Administrator.
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Exit out everything and start again from Step 3 but this time type in Temp instead of %temp%.
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Well, this is pretty much it! You have successfully deleted the temporary cache files and now your PC is faster and better than before. Make sure to do this on regular intervals for better Windows Performance.