Network Architecture

Network Architecture is an overall design of a computer hardware and their functional organization and configuration.

Computer Network Designs are of two type:-

1.PEER TO PEER NETWORK:- Peer means equal and therefore in a peer to peer network each computer or node is equal to other computer in terms of the resources that it can access and share. All computers in this type  of network act both supplier as well as the consumer of resources. It treats all devices as having the equivalent capability. In a Peer To Peer Network each computer shares its resources such as processing power, disk storage or hardware such as printers, with other computers on the network.

2.CLIENT SERVER NETWORK:- In a client-server network, there is a powerful central computer which has more resources than the other computers connected on the network. The central computer is known as the Server and the other computers are called clients or nodes or workstations. The server is responsible for providing all the information and resources to the clients as per their request. The client sends request to the server for services. The client utilizes the resources of the server but does not share its resources with other computer. 


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